Erin Weimar: I came to the mortgage world after running an IT company for a few years. I found the paychecks were good, but the “feel good” was missing. I came back to finance, and specifically mortgage, because there is something magical in being part of someone’s home and financial journey that no paycheck can replace. I started in a refi house and really learned how to spin the puzzle pieces to provide the best combination of rate, payment, term and savings. That strong foundation made the jump to straight purchase business easier. Everyone loves a simple file, but this background helps me never to fear the tough ones, and in the end, I find I am in the right place doing the right thing. 

MPA: Who was/is your role model and/or leadership mentor? How important is it to have a mentor to grow as a leader?

EW: I would love to say this one person is my role model or mentor, but I am a lifelong learner and always reading something new or attending something to help me grow. Sadly, COVID has made mentorship a little harder for me. To solve that problem, I am part of a core five group. This eliminates the wind tunnel mentality and helps me stay up when I am up and focus hard when things seem tough. The other benefit of the five-person core group is the diversity of thinking. Each of us comes to the table with a different background, time in the industry, customer type and knowledge base. I learn and grow regularly from the people I surround myself with.

MPA: How do you balance your career, personal life and passions? Is there such a thing as balance?

EW: I am fortunate to be an empty nester. I have a ‘more is more’ mentality, so when I need balance, I just take the time I need, but the early bird gets the worm, and I hate to be hungry. Recently I have begun to hit hot yoga four days a week at 5:30 in the morning. Starting the day by stretching myself mentally really helps me to keep things in perspective and focus on my physical and mental health.