That ‘stay ahead’ mindset is a constant for Boyd and his quest for “never ending improvement”. Even during inevitable lulls, brokers should be striving to better themselves. He has said as much in his own blog, stressing the need to have a ‘game plan’ when “the phone is quiet”, and that brokers should make the most of their downtime by nurturing relationships, showcasing their services and growing their network.

“Everyone at the end of the day is dealing with the same environment with the exact same set of challenges,” he added.

Inevitably, the gaze turns towards the future and the company’s prospects for 2022. It goes almost without saying that he has been planning ahead, now that refinance loan demand is expected to plummet by as much as 62%. But his response was refreshingly different.

“The time to focus on purchases was one year ago…two years ago,” he said, essentially adding that brokers should not ignore refis even as rates continue to creep up.

“The refinance business will always exist…and be a part of the business. It shouldn’t be the primary focus, but neither should purchase. I’ve run into loan officers throughout my career who say ‘I’ll only do purchase, I’ll never do refi’. I don’t think that we’re necessarily serving our client base to their fullest capacity if you focus on any one thing.”