Online buy-to-let mortgage broker Property Master has unveiled a buy-to-let mortgage calculator that uses artificial intelligence to go through thousands of lending and affordability criteria in seconds.
The new calculator hopes to save landlords up to 50% a month.
Angus Stewart, chief executive of Property Master, said: “This new calculator really is a game changer for landlords looking for a mortgage.

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“Essentially, its use of artificial intelligence enables landlords to play the system and navigate the ever-complex lending and affordability criteria found in the buy-to-let mortgage market.
“Unlike other website calculators that just use a simple formula the Property Master calculator actually performs a full whole of market product search and uses real affordability rules from each lender.
“But it goes one step beyond simply displaying the best deal.
“It uses our own specially developed Mortgage Optimiser Technology to highlight the opportunity for a landlord to get an even cheaper deal by making a minor reduction to the amount being borrowed.
“We are putting landlords in control of the complex lending and affordability criteria that in the past has made their search for the best mortgage deal so challenging.”
Property Master’s new calculator takes as input a property value, a rental income and the purpose of the mortgage.
It also asks the user whether they are seeking to borrow a specific amount, expressed in pounds or as an LTV, or whether they wish to find the maximum amount they can borrow.
It matches this data against every product from every lender in the buy-to-let mortgage market.
It will then display the best deal, but it will also flag how an even better deal can be found by making a minor reduction to the amount the landlord wishes to borrow.
The Property Master calculator displays its search results as two tables – one showing the best 2-year initial fixed rate results and the other showing the best 5-year initial fixed rate results.
For each table, the calculator shows the amount that can be borrowed according to whether the mortgage is to be with a limited company or as an individual and if as an individual it is then broken down according to their income tax bands.
Where a better deal is possible, the optimise button flashes green and shows the landlord how a better deal can be accessed, by making a minor reduction to the amount being borrowed.
The Property Master calculator is free to use.