“You have to be a very competitive person,” he explained. “You take a lot of bruises, but you have to be able to compete and get off the mat when you get knocked down. A lot of people just don’t have that intensity.

“Number two and probably the most common problem is that a lot of people don’t think they deserve to be successful. It’s a subconscious kind of thing that’s built up over time by either parents, teachers or friends and they don’t even know it. I see that a lot – people with great talent that just don’t understand why they’re sabotaging themselves so much.

“Some people also have an ability to prioritize what’s important. They delegate and focus their time and energy on the most important aspects of our industry, which is building relationships, product competency and the ability to communicate with people in a timely and sincere way,” he said.

He added that he had learned to be a lot less critical and that he spent more time listening to people than he used to. “Sometimes you just need to sit back and have a little bit of grace for the circumstances you’re dealing with, and you’ll be surprised how that opens people up,” he said.

However, he was highly critical of the way originators utilized social media. “By and large they are terrible, and it’s because it’s a new skill-set they have to learn. They have to learn they’re dealing with consumers as opposed to just real estate partners – it’s a totally different marketing strategy, and they’re not equipped to do it,” he said.