“We’re fortunate to have a leader of Julia’s caliber already within our team,” Lower CEO Dan Snyder said in a statement. “She has the institutional knowledge and tenacity to improve upon our support teams’ elite operations. She has proven herself time and time again in each new role she’s taken on, and this will be her biggest chance yet to transform our company and help our team reach more customers.”

“Last year was a difficult one for our industry, and as we turn the page into 2023, there are sure to be additional challenges,” Brown said. “But this year, we will emerge stronger, smarter, and better aligned with our strategic needs than ever before. I believe in our highly talented team, my peers, and our ownership to make homeownership a reality for more Americans than ever before. Their support allows me to focus on leading my teams through these difficult times and into the next resurgence with great tenacity and skill.”

Brown’s appointment comes on the heels of the launch of Lower’s mortgage-as-a-service (MaaS) platform. The new offering allows businesses to offer a “digital-first home financing experience quickly and easily, with white-label options available.”

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