Blueberry Mortgages is set to offer an incentive to NHS workers.
The incentive will see all NHS staff from across the UK including doctors, nurses, support workers, porters and cleaners offered no packager fees for second charge mortgages and bridging loans.
In order to qualify, the loans must be submitted between 1 December and 31 December 2020.

Blueberry Mortgages enters specialist lending packager market
Moreover, the lender outlines that there is no minimum loan size for the products.
In addition, Blueberry Mortgages will make a £100 contribution to the Dorset County Hospital Charity, on any completions.
Alex Hamilton, head of specialist lending at Blueberry Mortgages will be presenting the cheque to the trust in January 2021.
Furthermore, the lender detailed that many of its own staff have family members or friends who work in the NHS locally, and it wanted to provide some extra support to the 1.4 million NHS workers in the UK during this difficult time period.
Hamilton, said: “We wanted to do something to show our admiration, appreciation and respect for the NHS and its remarkable heroic workers.”