The vast majority of landlords are expected to continue to focus on urban properties rather than rural investments, according to the National Landlord Index published by
The index also noted that most UK landlords still see property as a buoyant sector and a safe place to invest in the long-term.
It also revealed that 66% of landlords expect house prices to rise in 2021.
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As the UK adapts to the new normal, the index also outlined that 46% of landlords believe the UK leaving the EU will impact the property market negatively.
Aaron Short, founder and chief executive at, said: “We are always listening to our landlords and tenants to ensure our proposition remains current and reflects the needs of the market and this is why the National Landlord Index remains so important.
“Understanding how landlords perceive the market and what impact COVID-19 and Brexit are having will determine the shape of the future lettings market.
“It is great to see landlords positive about the market this year and this certainly mirrors the growth we have seen.”